Why should I choose MonetizeSupportersAlt.com?


Because we're here for you! We offer a unique platform tailored for content creators like you. With our system, you can directly gather support without third-party interference. Plus, we've been in the web development game since 2006, so we know our stuff.

What if I face any issues with my website?


Don't worry! If you're on our monthly subscription, you get dedicated email support. We're here to help and ensure your site runs smoothly.

Can I upgrade my package later on?


Absolutely! You can always upgrade to a higher package if you feel the need for more features or support. Just drop us an email, and we'll guide you through the process.

Are there any hidden fees?


No tricks up our sleeves! What you see is what you get. There are no hidden fees with our packages.

How long will it take for my website to be ready?


We value giving individual attention to each of our clients. That's why we never take on more work than we can handle. Once we've agreed on the terms and received the initial installment of the commission fee, we get to work right away. Building your website typically takes 5-7 business days. However, this can vary depending on how quickly you set up your PayPal account and send us the necessary identifiers.

What's the creation process like?


For the monthly subscription, the creation process is as follows: 1. Agreement and first month's payment. 2. Registering your own domain (we can help if needed). 3. Setting up the DNS for your domain with our help. 4. Building and setting up the website. For the one-time fee package: 1. Order and agreement. 2. Paying a 20% deposit. 3. Providing access to your own hosting/domain. 4. Setting up the domain if needed. 5. Building the complete system. 6. Handover and settling the remaining fee. 7. Training and a detailed introduction to the system (if needed).

What are the differences between the various packages?


The packages offer different services and levels of support. For example, in the "Optimized Pro" package, we offer search engine optimization modules and tracking integration, while the "Full Access Pass" is a one-time fee package where we install the site on your own server.

How long can I use the site?


For our monthly "Starter Kit" and "Optimized Pro" packages, you can use your site as long as our agreement is in place. If you decide to terminate the contract, the use of the site will also end. With the one-time fee "Full Access Pass" package, you can use your site indefinitely, even forever.

Will I receive an invoice for the service?


Of course! We issue an invoice for every payment you make.

New Clients Accepting Status

We are committed to providing personalized and thorough attention to each of our clients. For this reason, we can only accept a limited number of new clients at a time.

Currently, we have availability for 2 new client.

If you want to seize this opportunity and have your own platform, act now.

Get in touch with us.

Our used capacity

60 %

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